Title: grow d' livin tree!

What is it that you would like to talk about?
Well, let's start with values ...
such as joy, compassion, friendship, honesty, vitality

when i hear these words i sense they tell part of the story ...
about life but not all of it

writing means painting a picture with words
 - describing scenes, thoughts, feelings, people

we live in a world full of relationships, activities and change
 - complex detailed descriptions will paint something elaborately perhaps
 but generalizations and musings about it all,
 paints it all-at-once, in a way

when we discuss something then generalize about it
then show a connection and describe our reaction
we play god to the creation of our imaginary world
 and co-create the world with others

 - thats because what we do when we talk like that;
 when we relate a specific item of interest
 and a generalization about an item,
 then show a connection and express a reaction to that relationship;

 what we do is mimic the activity of our mind
 - we imitate on a larger scale and in a fashion
 that can be understood via words,
 that which happens in our minds constantly
 with every perception and reaction.

For example, the advertisement on the table describes a printing service,
 the prices are competitive with other printing services
 therefore i will consider this advertisement
 when i choose a print service.

 That describes what happened in a glance
 and far besides the thoughts of inclusion in this story board

i had a dream a couple of nights ago
 which showed myself in a questioning mind (let me explain that)

i was with another soul and asked her/him,
 do you believe the human specie is evolving
 or has it evolved in a way we could recognize?

i remember the answer .. we look at our thoughts with more awareness.
 we perceive levels of process all the way to fruition.
 also we think different thoughts than say
 if our thoughts were not reviewed and escorted to fruition

i remember asking myself when awakening
 if i could foresee the next big step in our evolution
 - here is what i was musing with:
the internet is a fabric of cooperation
 - we share information, yes but activity also
 - we co-publish and organize activity via parallel
 one to one communication and group communication too.
 we also give each other the tools we have discovered
 - so easily for example
 - this might sound simple
 but actually it is more complex than just email

Take yahoo for an example of internet use

yahoo! has given me a daily calendar to organize my activities,
 also news; local, business, global, professional topical news

yahoo! also gives me up to date financial investment information
 on which i do react

yahoo! offers me email facility and file storage
 - picture galleries, web page services for free

yahoo! uses these services to attract customers
 to their media platform,
 from that platform advertisements can redirect potential customers
 to their business doors which are on the web too

yahoo! allows me to search the web
 and find whatever it is that i'm looking for at anytime

yahoo! allows me to check the movie
 and entertainment venues for their schedules

Now that's yahoo! for you while there are other internet activities
 which are by the way pretty much all catalogued at the yahoo! website

other services at yahoo that i haven't used are
 the web chats, clubs, auctions and notice boards

internet merchant facilities
 allow me to shop online & compare competitive pricing

web presentations make institutions more readily available
 to those not usually in contact with them

internet email, i have mentioned already
but to clarify we need to understand its real power.

email can be written to another, to a group of people and with intention
 email can be sent to an ecosystem of living and evolving communications

now internet has brought both communication
 and the intentions and activities that lead to and from communication
 to a pace and ease
that has never in the history of humanity been experienced

i recall a time when people would gather in a hall or square
 to talk or listen to debate on an issue
 that gave enough importance to their meeting

in their market place was peer to peer sales between sellers
 not just the sales to consumers
and the market place became the default place for any issue or activity
 while we did our business

we made shop and made house with much private preparation
 and with much support from our host family or employer shop keeper

while today a business is created when we copy each other
 or innovate with a business idea
 and borrow capital to make it happen then sell it

compare all those that worked for a decade or two
 to master an others trade
 and gain the responsibility to replace the master trader.

back to the internet

i foresee further change happening
 in the way we use the internet to communicate and organize

i foresee mass communication via collaboration
 & meaningful contributions to massive projects

i foresee communication and organization of tasks
 by the group themselves that until now
 we have payed others to do for us displacing us as a group

this subject needs thought as it provokes me

look for the means to cooperate on a larger scale
 and via a working structure of a sophistication
 that would obviate now old hat representatives
such as local council, committee, political
 and practical debaters, administrations and research

the collaborative reasoning process
 and up to the minute accounting and analysis
 will find new footing in the climb out of the evolutionary sea

the social, industrious, innovative new compound
 we can no longer call the citizen or committee

no longer is the citizen committee the land owners
 no longer a labourer or a woman with equal rights

a new compound will emerge with new elements
we see not a new man evolving but a huemanbein

but look even new hardware and software,
 with a brand new intellectual property,
 all those will only be elements that are worthless
 in and of themselves without their soul life force

its the new compound itself with properties
 that do not compare to its inanimate lifeless materials

the new citizen will be a new compound
 that will be of a sentinel substance
 that lives in our activities and in our values
 and in our hopes as well

it already has a body that resembles a nervous system
 with gigantic feelers floating in the sky
 and shooting light and sound worldwide
 while moderating heartbeats and feeding water system flow,
 energy and crop control - what is it?

is the new entity or compound self conscious?
will it communicate to other species like our own?
do we feel its presence as it absorbs our lives?

when we no longer elect a president or governor
 to do a job we couldn't manage to do ourselves

when we do manage to represent our needs
on an organized smorgas board of consumption choices

when we recognize the power of our own making

when we collaborate together with others
 on decision making for issues we never had control

when the direction of change becomes prime time

then we will herald the birth pangs of the messiah
then we will recognize the power of the word
then we will tug on the coat tails of the supreme

yeah each twinkle in my eye will twinkle in d' sky
and love ya make with me will grow d' livin tree!

11th of November, 2000

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