Title: Cultural Organetic Hubway

1. Establish community currency (cc) via hubway
   managing all hubway service customer accounts.

   6% to 18% discounts accumulate as hubway credits.
   Credits as payment accumulate as credit options.
   Credit options: fully purchased at 6 to 18% off.

2. Broaden hubway accounts into membership shares.
   Establish a base of 100 hubway founder members.

   Founders maintain the highest monthly exchanges.
   with upto 36% discounts accumulate as cc credits.
   Credits as payment accumulate as credit options.
   Credit options: fully purchased at upto 36% off.

3. Open a members forum: their interests & polls.
   Request ideas and feedback for further cc use.

   Facilitate hubway members to exchange their cc.
   hubway moderates accounts to stay in pos. credit.

4. Prospect community currency partnership operation.

   Forum/partners est. independent cc: assist setup.
   hubway offers to moderate the meta exchange forum.

5. Prospect eco ethical eclectic co-housing cooperatives
   Using hubway as a model for social/culture based hubs.

6. Humanifesto Pro-Creates Cultural Organetic Hubway.
   Connect Organic Real Ways with a cybernetic hubway.

7. Prospect Coop Space and Time towards Humanifestion.
   Raise Shares to fund Co-Housing Intentional Community.

8. Reinvent Reality As We Discover Ourselves Living It.


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