Folder: yitzhak_hayutman
Author: Yitzhak Hayut-Man
Yitzhak Hayutman
Photo by Ziv Koren/Polaris 2004
I’ve always thought of myself as God’s architect, Hayutman says.
Maverick visionary or eccentric academic?

Jerusalm Post Internet Edition

DANIEL BEN-TAL Jun. 24, 2004

Yitzhak Hayut-Man, a cyber-architect with outlandish ideas, is gaining followers.

The imaginings of Dr. Yitzhak Hayut-Man (B Arch, MSc, PhD) undermine the very axioms of the mainstream academic and religious establishments that shun him.

The Hebrew media has ignored his maverick proposals for a floating hologram of the Third Temple and multiple-player interactive computer games "set in the Old City of Jerusalem and its celestial counterpart, the Heavenly Jerusalem that will enable multitudes to conduct a spiritual pilgrimage."

The cutting-edge US techno-culture monthly Wired devoted an eight-page spread to Hayut-Man's work* in its April issue, kick-starting dozens of Internet discussion groups. The Italian La Republica daily ran a follow-up feature in its weekend supplement.

"Six potential investors wrote to say that they'd like to help, and I consulted with my existing team developing the game system. After we demanded that they sign a confidentiality agreement to protect our intellectual property, the interest petered out."

Hayut-Man heads the self-styled Academy of Jerusalem, a think-tank association of 20 multidisciplinary visionaries. "My main mission is to design the games, to show a truth about Jerusalem that nobody seems to notice: The [Third] Temple already exists. It's straight in front of our eyes, in the most conspicuous place. If depicted as a temple of wisdom and womb for the three religions, it can breed interfaith understanding."

He envisages a hovering holographic temple, projected by an array of high-powered, water-cooled lasers fired into a smoke-filled transparent polyurethane cube with a lightweight metal frame suspended beneath a blimp. The ephemeral, flickering image in the three-dimensional projection screen will fulfill an ancient Jewish prophecy that the Temple will descend from the heavens as a manifestation of light, he explains.

"Rashi [the biblical commentator] envisioned the Temple as a structure of light in the sky. Technology has given us the tools to realize this prophecy."

Hayut-Man bases his ideas on the thesis of the 19th-century Jewish Hungarian orientalist Ignaz Goldziher - one of the first non-Muslim researchers of Islam - that the Dome of the Rock at the Temple Mount was a substitute for the Ka'ba in Mecca.

"Goldziher's ideas never became widely accepted, but [Hebrew University] Prof. Amikam Elad's recent research into medieval Jerusalem and Islamic worship proves that this was their intention," he says. "This may seem inconceivable to today's Muslims, but Islamic historians have found more supporting material."

Hayut-Man has further corroboration from his Kabbalah researches that explored the Dome's meaning in terms of the neo-pythagorian esoteric science of that time.

"This was not the zealous Islam that we know nowadays. The Dome of the Rock was not intended as a mosque. It has no religious use, but rather symbolic value. Muslims turn their butts to it when they pray on the Temple Mount. Conceptually, not only Muslims turn away from it - Jews and Christians also do."

Hayut-Man says that his research complements these findings by speculating about the craftsmen. He describes the structure as a precise hyper-dimensional portal.

"Halif Abd El-Malik, who built the Dome in 692, gathered the greatest artisans from Morocco to India to rebuild Solomon's Temple. The secrets of this geometric architectural language were kept within the masons' guilds. Most people intuitively appreciate the building's proportions without understanding its exquisite geometric patterns and its message."

The Dome of the Rock, he explains, was conceptualized as an observatory into the fifth dimension. It was built as a 3-D model of a 4-D cube.

"The rock is surrounded by seven concentric rings of portals - 24 gates, then 16 gates, then 16 windows, ceiling pattern subdivided into 32 figures, etc. All these numbers are typical of 4-D and 5-D cubes. It completed a sacred design of the Heavenly Jerusalem, as described in the Zohar."

The Hayut-Man family has lived in the Katamon neighborhood for 15 years. They have two children, aged 21 and 15.

He can no longer afford his former arched-ceiling office in the Jewish Quarter, where the golden reflection of the Dome of the Rock, barely 150 meters away, would envelope his study with a shimmering yellow sheen on sunny afternoons.

Hayut-Man is involved in an ongoing $20 million patent-infringement suit against the Palm Corporation. Together with two other Israeli inventors, he claims that in 1995 he filed a design for wireless multi-user game consoles with the US Patent and Trademark Office, and should therefore receive royalties on what has since become commonplace devices.

He was born into a well to do Haifa family. A free spirit, he spent periods as a dropout on the West Coast and traveled through the jungles of Brazil the 1973 war.

During the Sixties, he studied architecture at UC Berkeley and the Architectural Association in London, where his interest in Sacred Geometry began. In 1965, he first met his spiritual mentor, the late cyberguru Buckminster Fuller.

He earned a masters degree in urban planning at the Haifa Technion and in 1981 completed his PhD in cybernetics at Brunel University, UK, where his dissertation already outlined his current designs for a virtual Temple Mount where Jews and Arabs could interact.

With his bushy white beard and flowery use of both Hebrew and English, Hayut-Man is an impressive man. He rises early to swim or play basketball before sitting down in his single-room Rehavia office at 8:30 a.m., often working into the evening.

"I write proposals. Right now, I'm finishing an interpretation of the Book of Genesis, read as written in future tense. Genesis should be read as a prophecy written 3,000 years ago, a blueprint for constructing Israel as a multi-tribal national entity. Genesis is about the God of Israel, not just the God of the Jews."

Within a week of moving to Rehavia, a café’ was blown up less than 100 meters away from Hayut-Man on Derekh Aza.

Samples of some of his voluminous papers can be seen at

"I'm concerned with existential problems. I was in the Old City for 13 years. I would walk through every neighborhood and I never felt I was in any danger."

"It's too late for a two-state solution - that option was never viable. One state can fulfill the biblical ideal. It's not a matter of us against them, rather several tribes with different views and beliefs."

He even derives hope from the separation fence that is cutting the city in two.

"I have found to my great surprise that this beastly wall will complement the holy structure of the city. A new wall around Jerusalem, with a new set of gates - that should be controlled by soldiers alongside residents who know their neighbors on the other side - will become the first of seven stages of defining people's intentions. The first criterion for entering the city should be no weapons. There will be finer spiritual criteria for approaching the holy [Temple] Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and the rock itself."

Hayut-Man doesn't think the religious will build the Third Temple - the secular will.

"We can spontaneously build a temple of peace. Twelve tribes can balance each other and create a stable solution for our grandchildren. It can be done right now, if people are ready to drop their preconceptions." But is the Middle East ready for Dr. Hayut-Man?

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* Note: The Wired Magazine article can be obtained from

Apocalypse Now

How a hologram, a blimp, and a massively multiplayer game
could bring peace to the Holy Land.

By Joshua Davis (, April 2004

Yitzhaq Hayutman holds the key to peace on Earth - it's on a floppy disk in his pants pocket. With his full white beard, bald pate, and well-pressed khakis, the 61-year-old Israeli cybernetics expert and tech investor looks like Moses done over for a Banana Republic ad. Right now, he's showing me how he wants to position an airborne hologram over the Dome of the Rock, a gold-capped shrine that's one of the most holy sites in Islam. "The blimp will go there," Hayutman says pointing into the blue. "And eventually the Messiah will come."


He has two big ideas, two ways to engineer the apocalypse.

The first:
        a hovering holographic temple. Hayutman wants to set up an array of high-powered, water-cooled lasers and fire them into a transparent cube suspended beneath a blimp. The ephemeral, flickering image, he says, would fulfill an ancient, widely revered Jewish prophecy that the temple will descend from the heavens as a manifestation of light. Hayutman hopes to finance the project with some of the proceeds from a $20 million patent-infringement suit he and his partners have filed against Palm.

The rest of that money would be poured into Hayutman's second idea for
jump-starting the end-times:
        a virtual temple within a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. The goal is for thousands of people to join in its construction on the Web. Hayutman even wants to display progress reports in the floating hologram as a kind of apocalyptic scoreboard.

Full article at

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